West Seattle Swimming

If you live in Seattle you know there are two main areas and then some subparts. Seattle and West Seattle. There is no "East Seattle"... that area is call the "east side or Bellevue" and is not part of the Seattle city limits. But Seattle and West Seattle are part of the city limits. West Seattle has one of the Hallows Church expression too so after we served there this morning we decided to spend the afternoon there. West Seattle has a beautiful large park, Lincoln Park, which has a pool with the best view. Im sure an infinity pool in Hawaii is probably better,  but if you are looking for somewhere to take a dip in the city it is nice. 
Swim lessons next week for the girls so praying they get more comfortable in the water without their puddle jumpers. 
Levi loved jumping off the side and "swimming" around. 
Not a bad view of the Vashon Ferry and Pudget sound walking back to the car! 


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