Blackberries and Beaches

The end of Grami's trip concluded on a weekend filled with blackberries and beaches. We went back to Biringer Farms north of Seattle. Instead of raspberries and strawberries,  this time we picked blackberries! Levi quickly learned there are thorns on blackberries bushes so he did more eating than picking. They should've weighed him pre and post u-pick :) warning:picture overload

I might have taken a lot of pictures, as always, but the lighting was so great! Plus I was telling a friend last night, that out of the 3 kids I tend to push Levi on more people. What I mean by that is so many more people outside of the family have held, kissed, inquired about and prayed for him than the girls due to the brain bleed. I think he is a happy reminder to people who interact with him of God's loving hand. And the way our church community, friends, family and co workers were so involved and supportive during his hospitalization I feel like he is everyone's child and I want others to enjoy him as well. 
After berry picking we stopped in Edmonds, WA on the way home. We ate in the cute waterfront downtown of Edmonds at Cheesemonger. Tasty sandwiches! We then walked to Edmonds/Kingston Ferry beach and the kids enjoyed playing, Levi napped, and we were all exhausted when we got home. 


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