Fireworks for Multiple Reasons....

On July 4th I worked but then our friends with a nice roof top on their townhouse invited us over. We decided for the first time in 5 years to watch the Lake Union firework show in person instead of on our TV. It starts so late because it isn't dark till 10pm so we have never kept the kids out before. But this year we did. Everyone survived and no one melted down. Yay! 
Festive popsicles and my littles in RED, WHITE and BLUE! 

They waited patiently and then the show....
On July 4th we celebrated living in a free country. What a privilege that is! So many people around the world are held captive in fear, slavery, and torture. It is unreal but sadly very real. I am studying 1 Peter right now and Peter talks about our citizenship as Christians is in heaven. He discusses what it looks like to live as heirs with Christ in a fallen world. I can't help but remember that we are all physically citizens of this entire earth, not just the US, but more so we are spiritually citizens of heaven. What hope and weight this carries and is offered to all of us! Peter also points out that we have a living hope  because of the  living stone (Jesus)! We don't just embrace this fallen world and only have hope in life after death.... we have hope now as we can experience joy and heaven on earth  (not the full glory) because of our priest hood. Do you realize that we are currently building the spiritual house (the church) with Jesus as our cornerstone! (insert fireworks)

Other fireworks went off on July 5th! Levi had another non-sedated MRI to look at his ventricle size, to ensure he was clearing his CSF fluid appropriately, and a check up with his doctors in clinic. Everything looked good and as it should. The neurosurgeon and vascular neurologist told us no  more MRIs needed and no more clinic appointments either. They said they are available as needed if something comes up. We can't express how thankful we are to God for continuing to hold Levi, us and heal him. Thank you to you all for praying for this little guy. I can't believe we are 14 months from his brain bleed and he is developing appropriately and released from check ups! Praise Praise Praise! Say it with me "ALL GLORY BE TO CHRIST"
We had time to waste between MRI and clinic appointment so I put him to work in the pharmacy team room :) 
 I think from now on every time I see fireworks go off I will use it as a reminder for the way the Lord held us all through this circumstance.....a reminder to stop and praise Him.


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