The Moore Triathlon

We didn't have many plans, trips, getaways, reservations, or activities on the books for the summer. Maybe it was because I have to ask off in advance for work or maybe it is because we were uncertain where we would be with Levi.... but thankfully this is not the time to leave Seattle! Summer is the best season Seattle has to offer. Beautiful weather abounds, activities in your own backyard, and scenery worth a million bucks (literally to most homeowners here) 

I was off Thurs/Fri as I work this weekend so it was our families' "weekend". Wes started off the day with a run, then I took each girl biking separately on the Burke- Gilman, and lastly we ended up at our neighbor's condo pool. We settled in last night to a messy house but full hearts of a day complete with a triathlon once we combined all our activities! 
It was Sadie's first time going on her pedal bike with me also on a bike. She kept saying "this is my first time" and had a nervous smile/giggle as she rang her bike bell and passed walking pedestrians. They couldn't help but smile as a little 3 year old pedaled past after warning them she was coming! Her tire went flat on our way back home and I asked Wes to come pick her up. Sadie's response was "no, tell Dad to bring my balance bike so I can finish". She is determined, goal oriented, and a finisher! 
 Friday was spent DONUT-ing (said as "do nothing"). We deserved it right? I mean with all that exercise the day before :)


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