Mt Rainier Day!

 Mom has visited Seattle 20+ times since we moved AND WE HAVE NEVER TAKEN HER TO MT RAINIER!  In all the times she has flown pass the massive volcano she has never been to the park. It is a 2.5 hour drive but still... we were really failing as tourist guides to Mom. She usually spends most of her time serving us so it was nice to get her out of the city as she loves mountains!
 First time for Levi too. Below is a picture at the Paradise Visitor Center.
All 5 of us! 
 Leighton packed her instax polaroid camera! It is so cool to see life through her eyes in these pictures.
Hiking by Myrtle Falls 
Pretty views and then Mom life... little people fighting over your lap and snacks....
this is the best view I have ever had while changing a diaper ;) 
Right after we left the park there was a beautiful blue lake, Alder Lake, so we stopped. We let the kids play in the water, throw rocks, and create rafts.
 And driving back there was also the tiniest church. I had to stop and take a picture of this sweet little chapel. High five to God for letting us see a glimpse of his vast creation today. 


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