Missional Motherhood

I love reading and I love reading as my "downtime" away from the chaos of kids, work, etc. It is relaxing. And depending what you read, it can help refocus our mind to the cross. As always the Bible trumps all books. This book is not substitute to daily time in the Word but if you like additional reads then...
so sometimes I do read holding a baby while the kids play on the floor  and not alone
I am not even done with the book yet but I still want to make a recommendation. "Missional Motherhood" by Gloria Furman speaks so much hard, yet simple truth. She and her family are sharing the gospel in Dubai but this book is not about that. It is about how all women (not just women who have kids) are born to nurture and what that means in light of Christ.  If you are a lady you need to read this book. If you are a man, you probably should too. A couple thoughts from Gloria to chew on in bold and then my immediate thoughts as I read them.

"Why do we love the people in our lives with passion but serve them with hesitation?" (insert Casey's selfish thoughts to grumble when Sadie ask for another glass of water after tucked into bed despite loving her with all my heart)

"In the moment the we believe our God has abandoned us, he is yet holding us fast." (insert Levi getting sick and God holding him so tight)

"If we are faithless, he remains faithful- for he cannot deny himself" 2 Tim2:13 (Remember Casey, a heart for God is also a gift of grace. Be overwhelmed with gratitude.  Eph 2:18)

"The prayer of a Christian is not an attempt to force God's hand but a humble acknowledgement of helpless dependance- J.I Packer." (I. have. no. control. repeat.)

"We as "aliens and strangers" in a world that is passing away, need to learn that our home is not our refuge. God is our refuge, We nurture life in the face of death and leverage our homes for gospel work. For those whose hope is in the coming kingdom, our homes are less likely retreats and more like a network of foxholes for planning and hosting kingdom advances into present darkness. Our homes are centers of hospitality to show strangers and neighbors the light of Christ. And they are equipping centers for traveling ambassadors to help them on their way to doing the King's business....Your house is not your haven. Christ is" 
(Lord, please forgive me for envying others ability to buy homes. Please forgive me for lusting after pretty home designs on instagram or HGTV and wanting to create a cute, comfy, retreat to call home. None of this is mine.)
its not stylish but this is the collection of thoughtful gifts Leighton has made me and placed on the window sill by my side of the bed (Wes has his own shrine on the nightstand)
sadie has learned to write my name so I get this mail under my door every morning she is awake before me
"God's way of saving men is to send out his servants to tell them the gospel, and the Church has been charged to go into all the world for that purpose- J.I Packer" (Make me bold to state the gospel and not just become good friends with non-believers in hopes of sharing it one day)

"Mothering women who feast on God's word show the world that they've learned the secret to contentment." (Must. be. my. top. priority.)

"What we always talk about reveals what is important to us.... Our words are an overflow of what is going on in our hearts." (What do I say on repeat all the time? "don't touch that, go potty, I need you to listen, I love you, be careful, wait for me, hold my hand, good job".... commands mostly but do they hear my repentance, my prayers, how to love?)
"The reason we can sleep easy is that we know we're "just doing what we can". We soothe our maternal anxiety with the pacifier of our achievements. But at the end of the day were never quite sure that we are done with our mothering work in the sense that we have done "enough'...We trade in the drive standard of God's holiness for the world's standard of maternal accomplishments."(I have a standard, Ive made mental checklist, and I feel good when things get done. I tell myself tomorrow I won't get impatient with the kids. This is nothing but self-righteous talk. Boost of my weaknesses so God gets the glory and repent of my sins. Weaknesses and sin are not the same thing. Each require different action.)
Oh how mothering our kids and nurturing other women for the sake of the gospel can be so taxing, overwhelming, confusing, hurtful, and more, BUT what a beautiful picture it is of dying to oneself.  May we all magnify the Cross,


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