Levi Wesley is 4 Months Old!

Well, the little boy is changing. But he is super sweet still. Levi thighs and personality are growing! He is turning into that little ball of baby that is so fun. Smiling and talking to anyone who will chat with them. Putting his hands or anything in his hands to his mouth. Batting and grabbing objects on playmate. He still loves riding in carriers on me and falling asleep. He still does pretty good in carseat but stays awake most of the time now.

His biggest transition is that he doesn't really like being held/rocked to sleep. He prefers to be swaddle and put down awake with his passy and then he goes to sleep on own!
I don't know how long this phase will last but Ill take it while I can get it. No time commitment at all. I just miss snuggling him to sleep though... I guess I can hold him in the middle of the night if I wanted. It seems like Levi has gone through a growth spurt wanting to eat every 2 hours during day some and at least twice during night... so we have missed the 6 hour stretches of sleep he was doing at night. But he is a growing boy so Ill put up with it :) Or maybe it is the wean off the phenobarbital...
occasionally he naps unsaddle which is super sweet but wakes himself up after 30 min- 1 hour
Improving with head control and tummy time.
Four more days of medicine. Prayers for no seizures is appreciated..

 He prefers to be looking out either facing forward in your arms are being held in the sitting position. Levi wants to see what is going on!
 Levi, just so you know Leighton genuinely loves you. She starts to do something but then sees you and gets distracted with kissing you or talking to you. She loves holding you and is super sweet and gentle. She says "Im Levi's favorite person" and that might be true (or at least tied with Mom).

Little man loves to be talked to! He is super social, smiley, giggly, and into faces! 
 And then Grami brought Uncle Michael's baby baseball cap from the 80s...
 He enjoys books despite how he found Mommy and the camera instead of looking at it in this picture.

 He needed some UK gear!  
in Daddy's baby shirt 
"We are your parents. You are our child. We are your quiet place, You are our wild. We are your calm face. You are our giggle. We are your wait. You are our wiggle. We are your vegetables. You are our chocolate cake. We are your bedtime. You are our wide awake. We are your lullaby. You are our peek-a-boo. We are your goodnight kisses. You are our I love you's." 


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