Bedtime Battle Paired with Bedtime Grace
Wes has started asking the girls questions during their nightly "talk time" about their day like when did they feel happy, sad, excited, misunderstood, etc. He reports the answers back to me when we sit down on the couch (finally!) after everyone is asleep. I love hearing what they had to say because even though I wanted downtime from them I still can't not talk about them :) We want to cultivate deep relationships where they hopefully will share with us their thoughts and feelings forever but we know we should at least just hope for acknowledgement when they are pre-teens. Then he does "relax time" with them as they call it. This is where each kid picks a song to be sung to them. Sometimes we are so tired and ready to sit down he tries to skip it but they don't let him forget. If he does, pitter patter pitter patter down the hall Sadie comes to remind. And the thing is.... they always pick a worship song. We try to escape worship time with our kids?! Conviction. Bedtime grace.
Then I usually come into girls room after putting Levi down to say goodnight. Since the process has now taken 1 hour from bath to tucked in bed my part is just to kiss, talk about plans for next day (they always ask that) and then do our nightly sayings. I started this with Leighton as a closure to the day. It is where I repeat the same things every night which are truths I want her to remember. Sadie has since joined us. We say "You're so beautiful" "God loves you more than anything" and "I love you with all my heart". As I tried to get to my downtime last night, Leighton paused and said "Can we add another?" Of course dear. Why would I run out when you want to hear more truth? I started racking my brain because I wasn't prepared and I couldn't come up with anything to say on the spot! Leighton, in a moment of bedtime grace, said "how about 'You are Never Alone. God is always with you.'" Yes dear yes. You wrote Isaiah 41:10 on paper the other day when we all drew for our frames (again because of Grace as I drew a meaningless pineapple) and because of that we have memorized Fear not, for I am with you. and God put that on your heart last night. Thank you for discipling mom. This is a 2 -way relationship. I am preparing for tonight, Leighton, maybe we will add "God is your strength" based off one of my favorite verses 1 John 4:4 For he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Casey, do not rush or wish away this sweet time where they actually want to be around you.
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