In the rhythm of the school year...

I guess this is what happens when you get one kid in elementary school at least. First grade is no joke with the reading, spelling test, number bonds, speech meet, homework, full-day, packing lunches, phonograms, and adjective songs to say the least. It seems like Mon- Thursday we wake up and I head to work while Wes navigates carpools, pick ups, drop offs, and three different schools. 
My view most days as I walk in the opposite direction to my car and they head to school.
We are all learning new things at school, about each other and ourselves.
Leighton is learning to read which is fun and I am so glad she enjoys school. We recently got her lace up tennis shoes so she could practice tying her own. Wes teaching her on the sidewalk one night before church. 
When Leighton is not in school then she can be found hanging out with Kit or on top of her book shelf organizing things like jewelry. She is usually still in her uniform as we repeatedly ask her to change and she gets distracted. 
Thanks to all the grandparents and aunts/uncles for donating to Leighton's jog-a-thon. She really did take her lap running serious and we love the school. Thanks for the support! (note the little siblings giving out high-fives)
Sadie is learning how to be at home without Leighton. Since first grade is full-day compared to Leighton's kindergarten, Sadie has missed her afternoon playmate and lunch buddy. She has played with Levi more or done more independent work such as painting and coloring.

Sadie school did send home a stuffed animal or "class pet" for Sadie to care for  a week... .after #WeGotLiced #Thanksgiving2015 you know where Woof Woof spent the week.... 
What we are learning with Sadie is it is still a battle to get her to wear a coat on chilly days. It teaches her mother and father patience and repentance. 
 Levi wants to hang with the best of them. If he isn't walking the halls of his school (see below in his mini backpack) then  he can be found at Leighton's desk and always with a pen and paper. He has a great tripod grip :) 
 Or Levi can be found with his yellow bingo card. He made mom hold one for an entire week. 
 Levi is still attending the EEU (Experimental Educational Unit) at UW with the same occupational therapist as one of his teachers who used to come to our home. It is nice that they have known him since 1 month of age and can help us track his development. And we love that his teachers love him. His school also had a field trip to what I thought was a pumpkin patch but turned out to be an animal farm....I had to fight back anxiety of HUS/Ecoli outbreaks while balancing Levi's thrill of the goats and Sadie's sweet comments like "I just petted the cute white one!"
 Levi got to show us his classroom and teachers during their open house.
Levi and teacher Laura (also note the way Leighton looks at Levi with love) 
the sisters gladly supported Levi's school ice cream social 
Levi and his OT Christy
The girls learned a new skill and had so much fun roller skating! We had a rainy saturday when mom was here so we hit up an indoor rink. Leighton especially enjoyed it despite the many falls...

Daily we all look forward to after school/work snack and on Fridays, family movie night and pizza! 


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