I'm still spoiled.

If you have ever asked my parents if they spoiled Michael and I they would say yes. They have never denied it but I'm sure might try to justify it. Usually dad will say it started because I had a surgery when I was several weeks old to open a muscle in my stomach. From then on he said he promised me whatever. I can relate. I promised the same thing to Levi when he was in the hospital. I get it. 
And yet here at 32 years of age with a husband, job and three kids I am still being spoiled. I think it is mom's love language a little bit to buy and do for us. I have to slow her down sometimes but even as an adult I revert back to childhood and say yes to the Hot Cakes desserts for a treat. 
Or yes to dressing up and going to brunch and tea at Queen Mary's. 
Or yes to matching kid pjs 
and definitely yes to the musical Aladdin! 
Thanks for all you do and give mom but mainly thanks for loving us! 


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