Hallows All- Church Retreat: Black Diamond Camp

This past weekend our family got to participate in our church's yearly retreat. They rented out space at Black Diamond Camp just south of Seattle in Auburn WA. Our staff did a great job coordinating and prepping so thanks to you all!  It was a nice time worshiping, studying, praying, and getting to know old and new friends better. The kids loved it too! A mission team came to serve our church this weekend by providing children's ministry during all the teaching sessions for adults. They also provided set up and tear down for the worship room and childcare during some of the free time so we could hang out with other adults! They were  so wonderful and though we don't know them well, we are connected as belivers in Christ. They loved us well because they love Him. Such a blessing!!

The theme of the teaching sessions for the adults was the scriptures. Our pastors emphasized Christ being the hero throughout scripture (i.e. interpreting David and Goliath correctly for example), why we study God's Word, how we study God's Word, and how we make disciples too (Acts 8 with Philip was a great example!). I love studying scripture and I love teaching what I have learned to others. I thoroughly enjoyed the retreat topic :) Wes was able to share this morning during the last devotion/prayer on how God has meet him in the scriptures. Wes discussed Lamentations3:22-24 as he recalled it frequently during our hospital stay with Levi. CLICK HERE for a great article expanding on these verses.

We enjoyed all the amenities of a camp from s'mores, playgrounds, swimming, hiking, etc to cafeteria style food, basketball, board games, staff trivia and relay races.

The mission team that came to serve us this weekend, also organized relay races for everyone. Three heats of different relays. Levi napped on me while we cheered on Leighton, Sadie and Wes. Their team took home the gold metal which was cutely prepared with twix candy bars. Sadie said "my first gold metal!" 
  The kids were exhausted each night from all the activities..... and little or no napping.
 How Levi nap this weekend... ergo snuggles! 
 S'mores with the Moores...we keep trying to quoin that. 
Till next time Hallows Church Retreat! 


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