Grandparents Brought the Sun

This post is a little late but my parents were here 2 weeks ago and we enjoyed beautiful weather with them and great quality time.  It had been pretty gray and rainy till they arrived (since Nov!) but they literally brought 7 days of sunshine! We spent most of our time out doors and my parents had to do their best to juggle giving three kids their attention. They managed well :) My parents are about to leave for Brazil for a while so prayers for the safety, health, and that God would use them to advance His gospel. Prayers that their words would be God's words and relationships would form and grow amongst the new people they meet and the ones they are serving alongside. Thanks! 

Highlights of their trip....
1. parks with pretty views of the Puget Sound
Golden Gardens
Lincoln Park
Fremont Peek Park 
 2. Papa getting cuddles when he could 

 3. Mariner's game 
 4. Tea with Mom
4. Enjoying the sunshine and each other 
 5. Zoo 
Till Next Time!  


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