
The hashtag for Michael and Katie's wedding celebrations was #dudasagain because they got married 1 year ago to the day (Aug 9th) at the courthouse and then last weekend had a renewal wedding ceremony for immediate friends/family and a large party reception following. You probably saw most of these pictures on instagram if you follow us. But we had a wonderful time leading up to the wedding and a good time celebrating three of our favorite people. Katie was beautiful. Michael was handsome. Connor was adorable in his tie and vest. The girls had fun and performed perfect at the wedding (rolled out in a wagon and ate puffs the entire time). We got to meet a lot of new people (Katies family and friends). We got to see old friends. Aunts, uncles and cousins were everywhere. We got to hang out with best friends. The food was yummy. Dad gave a short but sweet/sentimental speech. Mom looked pretty in purple. Wes was the dad of the year but leaving the reception for about an hour to put the girls to bed then come back. Here are some pictures of the wedding day!

They got married at a Louisville Donor's house on the Country Club. The house was built during the time of the depression and had a beautiful garden where they got married.

 Wes did a fabulous job comparing their renewal  of vows to how God renewed His covenant with Israel in the Old Testament and then ultimately through Christ.
 Cousin time.
 Our family.
 The beautiful bride.
 And groom.
Best friends!
 The reception.
 And Grami looking young and pretty.
 Thanks for letting us be apart of you all's special day! 


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