Call me "Flower Girl"

Leighton absolutely loved being the flower girl. She told us to call her "flower girl" not Leighton when we spoke to her. She wanted to sleep in her flower girl dress and not take her hair down. So cute. So fun. So girlie! 
Some pictures of Leighton enjoying all the wedding festivities…..

On Friday for lunch we went to a Bridesmaid Luncheon honoring Katie. Leighton and Sadie got matching pink robes and flower girl bracelets! Great gifts. 
Leighton quickly bonded with my cousin Alex over multiple discussions about Elsa from Frozen. 
On Friday night we attended a welcoming party thrown by my parents at Katie's aunt's house. Here are the girls at Michaels all match-matchy! 
Saturday, Leighton and I spent the entire day at the grand home where the ceremony took place. We were treated to a delicious lunch at a big table! 
 Leighton enjoyed getting all fancy as she says.
Mom got a nice robe as a gift too! 
 Leighton practicing pulling the wagon without the cargo (Connor and Sadie) before the ceremony.
 and holding the sign she carried out during the wedding! sweet idea.


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