Pretend Play

What is our new three year old into?!?!? Pretend play! If you don't want to imagine than don't hang out with Leighton. We are having to work on not being so bossy. She has a tendency to want to pretend play only what she imagines in her story line. If you try to change it up (not read her mind) an attitude can be heard….but mostly it is fun and sweet :)

Playing dress up… dancing with Daddy in a little wedding dress (tear) and wearing her favorite purple gown.
Thanks Aunt Sherry for the make up. She loves that it is real and she doesn't have to use mine anymore :)
And using her new cash register to play store. I actually had fun playing with it and tried to take over the store. Leighton didn't like that, surprise surprise.
I tried to get Sadie to shop and them play together but Sadie just wanted to push the shopping cart and swing the knife. Typical Sadie.


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