Serving the Old and Young

Our missional community just started volunteering at a nursing home up the street from our house. We serve together at various places often (at least once a month) but wanted to get plugged in to the same place to better build relationships. One girl in the group had on heart to minister to the elderly. Columbia Lutheran Home a couple blocks from our house/where our group meets was happy to accept volunteers. We went last week and made flower arrangements with some of the people. They enjoyed making the craft but a couple of the older ladies told me how much they really just liked watching the girls run around. They said they don't get to see little kids often so it was a treat. Now that is easy and cheap entertainment to provide! We will see them next month but haven't decided what to do yet… suggestions are welcomed! Sadie wanted to take off with some of the walkers!
Leave a comment below if you have an idea for something we can do at the nursing home next month! Craft, games or whatever you can think of would be helpful!

Last week our church also had the opportunity to serve the young at BF Day School. It is the local elementary school we have been helping for a couple of years now. It is where we have hosted our Play Dayz Sports camp and block parties. They asked us if we could help build garden beds and do some landscaping. I monitored the girls on the playground while Wes did physical labor :) 
Delaney and Leighton
 Sadie thinks she is old enough to do everything Leighton does...

 Everyone working…..


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