Growing Gardens and Kids

Update on Wes' garden… kale and carrots are sprouting! (See above pic) He also added some strawberries and bell pepper plants. We are still anxiously awaiting the first harvest :) Wes thinks something is eating his carrots so if you can provide any helpful advice here that would be good!
The girls are sprouting too! Sadie is very close to walking everywhere now as she took 4 steps today! At her 9 month appointment she was all over the room except when Dr Hall checked her out. She sat so still in my lap just watching him. She was in 50% for weight and height. 
Leighton is our little monkey! She started back in a gymnastic class and is wanting to climb any tree she can find. 
 Also just when I think she hasn't been playing attention to anything I am trying to teach her she goes and surprises me. I thought she could only trace letters or write "L" by herself. But the other day she said "Look Mommy, I wrote my name" and she did! The "g" needs a little work but cut her some slack…she has a long name!
Missing little Connor and my family but happy we got to see Katie and Marc over Easter weekend and we will get to see them next weekend too! 


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