Baby Story Time

2:30 pm to 11 pm. This was my shift this past week at the hospital. Sometimes I have to work the evening shift in the pharmacy. It is actually a nice break to the regular work week as I get to spend more awake time with Leighton and I am able to do some "day time" activities with her and Wes. 
We went to the zoo this week and also to Baby Story Time. I did not know Baby Story Time existed for babies 0 -12 months until I moved out here (of course I did not really have a reason to look for it before I had a baby anyway). I always thought story time at the library was for older kids, at least 2 years old. This may be everywhere and I just don't know? But in Seattle, each neighborhood has a public library branch and each one has a baby story time once a week. The class usually consist of a librarian who does some songs and reads a couple of big books to the babies/parents. Then the moms/dads are able to stay afterwards and let the babies play with some toys they have provided. It is a great way to meet other parents with babies the same age as Leighton. It is also good for Leighton to be around other kids/interact with them.... and she enjoys watching kids a lot. So below are pictures from library and zoo and a little video of Leighton telling me what she learned at story time. Enjoy. 
 Checking out the Lions
and a Peacock 
And all the books at the Queen Anne Library Branch


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