Happy 1st Birthday Sadie

Miss Sadie turned 1 today! I can not believe she was born a year ago! Sadie for the most part (always easier to remember the good) has been happy, smiley, a good eater, cuddly, funny, and active. It is still too fresh to remember that she only started sleeping consistently through the night around 10-11 months! Not cool. I personally (separate from anything to do with Sadie minus the whole sleep deprivation) had a year of ups but mostly downs dealing with anxiety, stress, confusion and ultimately learning how to bow before God. I love what Andrew said last Sunday, "being a Christian is not a confession but it is confession." I misread the verses in Matt 5 all my life until recently. I now get that "poor in spirit" means acknowledging we are in need of Savior, we require grace, it means humility and is the opposite of being prideful. I also get that "blessed are those who mourn" doesn't mean that God is happy when people suffer loss/grief/hardships on earth because it draws them to Him, but that it means blessed are those who mourn sin, mourn the fact that we are in a fallen world and shed tears over our own sinful nature and for others'. We are always bowing to something and if it is not God then we have just dethroned Him. Scary truth.
Leighton wrote a "1", Sadie's name and drew a picture of her sister….

Sorry Sadie, I managed to make your birthday post heavy! Anyways we are having a birthday party for her in a couple weeks when we go to KY/TN but Leighton wanted to decorate and throw Sadie a "meerkat themed" party. She insisted I invited my co-worker, Jess, back over to make pink and purple cake pops like Leighton had for her Thomas Party. Leighton's excuse to make and eat more cake pops. So Jess came over and made two dozen cake pops for our family of four. Obviously we don't need that many so I took them to work today and gave them away. It is funny how a homemade cake pop can really brighten an adults day too. During Sadie's afternoon nap, Leighton made Sadie some signs on dry erase boards and with my help hung some left-over streamers and balloons. Leighton was so excited for Sadie to see her work. I loved it. Sadie, just know that if you remember the times Leighton takes your toys or pushes you there was also a lot of times she did thoughtful acts for you! I think Leighton enjoyed Sadie's birthday more than Sadie did.

 Leighton enjoyed being the gate-keeper of the cake pops…..

 We finally let Sadie eat one….
Thanks for the adorable outfit, Candy!!!!


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