Levi Wesley: 8 months old

The little man is 8 months old today. It is crazy how time is flying. Thanksgiving has come and gone and 2017 is around the corner. Levi is getting more active and interested in things around him. He pivots on his belly (or in sitting position)  360 degrees to get to toys but has not crawled yet. He still loves the bath and sleeping in between Mom and Dad in Merlin. He is snuggly, a good car seat rider, easy going, and a happy baby. Can you tell I think he is such a joy? He has some separation anxiety and recognizes Wes, the girls or myself when we come into rooms or if someone else holding him. He hands out kisses, the wet slobbery kind. His babbling has increased but we haven't given him total credit for any words just yet.
ladro date when girls are at school 

Fremont Public Library 
girls biggest tennis fan 
 We also went through his first "regular baby sickness" this month with a fever, cold then ear infection. He only wanted to cuddle and sleep on us.
 He is definitely getting more interested in surrounding and trying to crawl but ended up face down on his belly from sitting position. Soon enough son. Soon enough son. He still has 2 teeth and enjoys eating!
How I find his passy most nights. He gets his thumb stuck in the hole. 
Happy 8 Months with Levi! 


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