Holiday Cheer Starting Early

We got into the holiday spirit before November had ended. Over the weekend we ended up with a gingerbread house to assemble and decorate and a tree cut down and ready for ornaments. 
We went to Trinity Tree Farms in Issaquah WA to get our first u-cut Christmas tree. Levi slept through the experience

Gingerbread making always look better on the box then real life... even with a kit. But thanks Trader Joes for making it pretty easy.
Then I volunteered in Sadie's class on Monday. I enjoyed doing holiday festivities in the class and watching her in this environment. 
She instructed the kids to get up against the wall during line up time and told me "get a picture Mom"
 Sadie moves ornaments around on the tree, Levi fiddles with the branches and Leighton sweetly observes all the ornaments or knits under the tree (check her ID, right?)
 And a little red and green alternating polish and we are ready! 


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