Solstice Day and Father's Day

Solstice Day is the longest day of the year. Fremont goes a little crazy celebrating the longest day of the year and first of Summer. We do have to agree that a lot of sunshine is something to be thankful.

Last night we went and watched Wes play softball. They won. Sadie had a few accidents around the park so I brought the potty to the playground. While I was dealing with that, Leighton and her friend Delaney were playing under the bleachers. They told us they tried some "candy" they found…. we get grossed out thinking they licked a piece of sucker or something. I pried a little more and they told me they didn't like the taste so they spit it out. I asked them to show the candy to me and they dug it up from their dirt pile…. an adult pill! I almost died. Too scary for words! It looked like a gel cap Advil or something but still to think they could have swallowed random drugs! 

Today was scary but in a different way… the parade and celebrations in Fremont are just craziness. We escape from it this morning by taking the girls to Alki beach to play with some new friends, the San Miguels. 
Later we hung out at home in courtyard and grilled. Some of our neighbor friends walked over. Wes grilled ribs which we should have sold to people walking by….but the girls did sell lemonade. We thought about it kind of late in the day but in the hour they had their stand out they made $33.79! I'd say a pretty good return on investment.

Purple pool time too! It has been hot out! 
 Other pics of Sadie wanting to be tall enough for her "new"bike and holding hands with Buddy Rowe from this weekend.

Today we celebrated Wes but I am thankful for him everyday, I swear. I know he was not born with a desire to be a SAHD (Stay-at - home -dad) as it seems more glamourous to be a navy seal, fire fighter, or coach. This role may not be where he is forever obviously (started HERE) but I am so thankful for how Wes does it well. What all dads are called to be is the Christ-head of their families and Wes does just that. He is a servant leader. He dies to himself daily to bear the burdens of our family and met our needs. He provides spiritual leadership along while contributing financially. Do I wish sometimes I stayed at home and you worked 8-5 out of the house? Yes I do, we both do. But in this season we both are working part-time to be with the kids and it happens to require Wes to be home with them more. You provide so much love to them and met their needs daily that their trust for you continues to increase. They see a true picture of what our Heavenly Father looks like which makes me cry (tears of happiness).   You are a man after God's own heart and I appreciate that. Thanks for loving Him. 
His gifts… Leighton's craft they made at school for Dads, a mug,  a card by Leighton, and a golf gift card. 
 We just hung out around the house/neighborhood today before church. Leighton did ask him this morning "what do you want to do today Dad? Children's Museum or zoo or something?" I guess that is what she thinks he would want to do on his special day (probably because they do stuff like that every other day together)
 They adore him. 

Happy Father's Day to Papa and Big Daddy too. We are very thankful for you guys. 


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