Schools Out for Summer!

Before school on her last day today! 
Leighton's fan club
Some of Leighton's school projects they made. I learned  this trick from someone…take a picture of what they make then you can throw it away :) 
Her class (North 3s &4s) plus the other 3s & 4s class. 
Well the little lady graduated preschool today. She started last fall at Little Feat Preschool (HERE) and the year has come to an end. She will enter Pre-K in the fall at Little Feat Preschool again for next year. She enjoyed it. We loved Ms Heidi and Ms HongPhuc, her teachers. She made new, sweet friends like Ada, Sara and Ava. They made a ton of projects and crafts over the year, and learned the alphabet in sign language. I guess she learned other things too… I hear them randomly come out of her mouth like facts about volcanoes, baking, the solar system, etc. I think going to preschool for 2 days a week 3 hours per day is more for social interaction, play, following directions, and introducing concepts.  Congrats Leighton Elizabeth Moore!
constantly waving to us in crowd 

Ms HungPhuc, Leighton and Ms Heidi
Her best friends from the year: Ada and Ava 

Sadie was her biggest fan yelling "Hey Sissy" all through the performance. 


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