Things We Love: Two Kids Edition

Well a long time ago we chatted about what I loved for the baby stage, for a 6 month old, for a 1 and 1/2 year old, and for a 2 year old. Now lets discuss what I am enjoying (not needing but just like) for two kiddos.

1. Double BOB: the best thing since the single BOB. Literally gets used 2+ times a day at this house… whether Wes is jogging with girls or we are just pushing them to library, park or around our standard neighborhood loop, the unit (as we call ourselves) is out strolling. The double BOB appears large but fits into all doorways, glides smooth, and contains both girls. We bought ours from a friend but you can find them on Craiglists. They resale good too.
2. Bumbo Step Stool: with the stool, we have increased Leighton's independence. She can now get onto big potty, brush teeth and wash hands all without us! So handy when you have a second little one running around.

3. Motorola Baby Monitor with 2 Cameras: this has been clutch. Since the girls share a room this monitor has been great. We have 2 cameras mounted in their room pointing on each bed. The monitor easily switches back and forth
4. Bubble machine: hate blowing bubbles for your kids because the sticky mess that winds up all over you and the kids?  This is your answer. Currently our favorite outdoor toy for both girls. Age appropriate for Sadie and still fun for Leighton

4. Storage coffee table: and make that a soft one. We moved our sentimental, pretty rad, but dangerous coffee table made of wood and iron to storage unit and replaced it with a cushy storage ottoman style. This has saved Sadie's head from being busted many of times and allows for toys to be kept in a cleaner/hidden fashion in living room. Best decision. 
5. Sunscreen Stick: because it is crazy tough to get their faces to hold still otherwise. I did read this article and I learned a lot of about what I am doing wrong. Maybe you will find it useful too! 15 Sunscreen Mistakes 

And not something you have to purchase but one of the upside to having the 2nd child be the same gender as 1st…hand-me-downs. Sorry Sadie but we have enough clothes for you that it only makes sense to buy for Leighton as you will wear those one day!


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