Daughter of the King

Yesterday Leighton asked me if I was a King. I said "No. But I am a daughter of the King." She then asked me who the King was. I replied "God" which prompted her next question of "so you are love, Mommy." (because she knows the truth that God is love) I proceed to say "well God is love but I am loved. Mommy sometimes (a lot of the time) doesn't feel deserving of the love but God still loves me." She listen but then quickly asked me to read her books.

After Leighton and I's conversation I got to thinking about how glamourous it sounds to be a daughter of the King or a child of God. But the realization is that yes it is gracious and merciful thinking about the one way direction of God toward His people. But it is not always pretty thinking about how the child acts to the parent (or God.) I was thinking how 5 min after the above conversation, a Berenstein Bears book was read and kisses were given, she stiff armed me as I tried to tuck her in for her nap. Leighton said an all too famous line "I can do it by myself." How ironic. Can I even count the times I have stiff armed God. Maybe even surfaced prayed for something but then took control trying to solve situations, fix others, and change myself. But just as I still said "I love you, goodnight baby" to Leighton after the shun, God does that to me. He continues to love, serve and forgive. Amazing. Again, thankful for how being Mommy teaches me the Gospel.

Here is the little gift who has grown me up over the past 3 years. She has been excited for weeks about going to her 3 - year old doctor appointment check up. She is still 20th percentile in weight and 50th percentile in height. She is still my thin little string bean. Love her. Last year at the 2 year old check up she had to take George and her stethoscope but this year she insisted her Hello Kitty first aid kit attend. Thankful for a healthy report today.


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