SPU graduates

We have had the privilege of getting to know some pretty cool college seniors in the past 3 years through Hallows. About 25-30% of people who gather on Sunday evenings with us are college students, a lot from Seattle Pacific University due to the church's proximity to campus. We became pretty close to several of them in particular through our missional community. They sometimes make us feel old but really they have become good friends we laugh and cry with. Wes has spent a lot of time mentoring and investing in 3 guys, John, Will and Scott. The girls in our group, Alicia, Beka, Morgan and Suzanne are very special too. All of the them are more spiritually mature than any 22 year-old I ever met before. They aren't perfect, no one is, but they love God and understand the importance of pursuing and depending on Him. Fortunately only a few of them are moving from Seattle so we will be able to see the others. We are excited for how the Lord will use them in this next season. Due to the recent shooting on SPU's campus, they have all been affected and state their college experience is now define by this event.  It was so neat to see God glorified through that horrific act, their college community really came together. We were fortunate (because Candy was here) to be able to go to a prayer/worship service on the day it happen on campus to offer support and Wes was able to go campus to participate in prayer time the next day. Attending their baccalaureate service was also special. We are proud of you guys!
Some of the seniors at church
photo from the internet of praying on campus
overflow room for service on campus on the night of shooting 


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