Who let the Zoo out?

Well for our third Halloween as a family we decided to represent one of our favorite places to go. The Zoo. Inspired by Leighton's dream to have an elephant costume, Wes and I joined in and dressed as zookeepers (because we didn't have to buy anything to make the outfit) and Sadie fulfilled her nickname as chunky monkey. I can't believe this Halloween also represents our anniversary in Seattle, give or take a couple days. Two years here sometimes feels like ten years. Yep this is the longest Wes and I have lived in the same city as a married couple in the past 5 years. Im kind of getting the itch to move… nah… I just think I enjoy excitement of new places :)
So she likes elephants you say?

Pictures of the family costume before Melissa, Kari and Lonnies Halloween party…

Pictures of trick-or-treating in the neighborhood….


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