A Visit to Space

Space! That is the word that kept coming to mind then entire 3 weeks we were in KY and TN. Space in bathrooms, living rooms, yards, parking lots, getting on to freeways, etc. I guess cause it had been about 11 months since I had been there, my mind had been morphed into thinking everyone lives in 900 sq ft with a courtyard and if you walk outside sometimes you can hear your neighbors clipping their nails (gross but a true story).

There was one reoccurring questions during our time there: How much longer do you think ya'll will be in Seattle?
Answer for all those who asked or were thinking it: No timeframe. Just as if we were living in KY or somewhere else, Wes and I try to constantly pray if our current apartment is the right place for us, or another one in Fremont, or a different one in another part of Seattle, somewhere else in WA, another state or another country. Just as God made it clear for us to move here 2 years ago, we believe he will let us know when/if it is time to move somewhere else. We are trying to leave a "blank check on the table" at all times. As of now we are signing our lease in the same apartment at the end of the month. Don't take it the wrong way like we are cold hearted to not want the kids close to grandparents and that we don't miss family and friends. We absolutely do, but we also know that being where God wants us trumps it all and someday it may line up that way! 

Anyways we enjoyed our time in Space! We were able to spend the first part of our visit with Wes' family and the second with mine (including meeting my nephew for the first time!) Seeing family and friends was great. Hope it is not 11 months before we are back again. A few (hard to pick just a few lets be honest) of the many pics that were taken....

some of my favorite pics are the ones caught when people are looking at each other... 

decoring pumpkins! she just painted the entire thing pink :) 

to be 88 and playing golf and swinging with your great-grandkid

JOY is all I see on my parents here holding Connor and Sadie

love my bro! Michael and Katie are doing great as parents! 


rocking Mommy's old UK sweatshirt from 1980s.... vintage :) 

A happy girl dressed up in pearls on a scooter! 

Should I just  buy the girl a train already? Loves it! 

checking out Bigs work
and Papa's 

My BFFs kids. Makes my heart happy. 

Ill say Connor looks good in red and Sadie can pull of blue well! 
6 weeks apart! Playing footsie

Daddys and their girls... 
Mimi and Big Daddy

L loved Laney Dove and her trampoline! 
I think they enjoyed the conversations with L the most! 

and lil Sadie rolled twice while we were there! Her smiles and coos were a hit! 
Pray for Hallows tonight as we are having a Fall Kick -Off BBQ and introducing some new stuff tonight. Also please be in prayer for Wes and I (and the girls... especially Sadie who is being a little clingy to Mommy) tomorrow as it is my first day back at work!


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