Fall-tastic Fun Contines

And let the fall season continue… into apple country. We went north this week to Bellingham WA to Bellewood Acres for u-pick apples. We had never been to Bellingham (only through on our way to Canada) but every time I googled "u-pick apples WA", Bellewood Acres kept popping up. So we drove 1hr 45 min north on I-5 and enjoyed Pacific Northwest's colorful fall trees along the way. As I have said before, when you drive out of the city/surrounding neighborhoods, the rest of the state can look just like Hopkinsville, KY. It made me happy.  (Just ignore the ocean to the west or the Cascade mountains on the east) It was nice to be in the country. I love nature.

Our missional community met for our play week this week to carve pumpkins. I called it a pumpkin carving contest and told them Leighton was the judge. Two college guys in the group were smart and since Leighton was the judge, one carved Dumbo and the other carved Thomas the Train. Dumbo won but she still loved Thomas. Well played John.
Looking forward to our friends Halloween Party tomorrow night and getting to dress the kids up. It has been fun to see Leighton get so excited about dressing up as an elephant. She loves them so much! The costume was more of a toy investment for dress-up than a Halloween costume. Pictures to come next week, but again… is she two or twelve?
Lastly I have enjoyed that the older Sadie gets, the more awake time she has, the more alert she becomes, means the more girls play together! Great to see Leighton wanting to interact with her.

Oh and one more thing… Go Cards! We are into the post-season play. No I can not claim watching the regular season games but I do support my in-laws and all of Wes' family as a St Louis Cardinal baseball fan! Never had a baseball team till I got married and happy he was for winners! #hatetolose


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