Grami = Museums and Tom Brady

After the Roberts women left we then had my mom (Grami) come visit for the remainder of the week. Unfortunately for her the sun left on Thursday and didnt return while she was here. I believe the Seattle gray winter has set in for the most part after 84 days of sunny 70s. Anyway what were we suppose to do on a rainy day? No parks, no zoo, no strolling... the Children's Museum! We had never been but WOW IMPRESSIVE! The place is huge and fits all ages from 6 mo- and up. They even had  a fake grocery store with all things little kids size and a huge theatre/ stage with dressing rooms. I can see why a yearly membership would be worth it. Kids could play there for hours...creative rooms for painting.... I cant go on enough as you can tell. So all families in Seattle with kids less than 6 years old should go especially now that winter is setting in and the misty days could keep us off the playgrounds!

Pictures from the museum....
Grami did a dance on the stage :)

Santa.... I mean Grami... also came bearing gifts. Thankful that my mom finds joy in shopping for Leighton. Leighton should also be thankful or she wouldnt have this kitchen set if it was up to her parents...
Having fun mimicking Grami with her blow dryer...

Notice the cut on the forehead here.... last week she was running around her room and fell on the crib and cut her head. First time we had to go to the doctor's office to get stitches... but instead of a stitch they glued it together!
At the end of the week Grami got to check something off her bucket list.... See Tom Brady play! The Patriots were in town playing the Seahawks so Mom and I went to the game on Sunday afternoon! I think she is just for New England because Brady is easy on the eyes. It was fun despite the second half rain and exciting at the end even though Mom's team lost. Pictures ....


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