Ligonier Family Camp

Our friends, The Guertin's, have been going to Ligonier Camp  for many years. The director shared about it this Spring and a few families (Thrashers, Kuzsmauls, ourselves, and the Guertins) went the same week this summer to their Family Camp. The kids had freedom on the property and enjoyed making new friends and playing with old friends from sun up until sun down. There was some programming such as family devo, family worship and parent sessions. Mostly it was free time to play games, read, etc and then structured extra activities (climbing, water slide, lake day, etc). 

Our 16th wedding anniversary was during camp week... I snuck out and got us chips and queso from the town's Mexican restaurant. I did not like camp food  :) 

Ligonier Penn the town was very quaint and picturesque by their town square. I found a local coffee shop to frequent. 

Post camp everyone was done with people and deeply tired 



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