Buccaneers Baseball Season

 Last year, Levi played for the rec dept's baseball team. We noticed that our neighborhood, Rocky River, started a travel (within the county) baseball team so Wes reached out and they had vacancy so Levi joined. He seems excited and interested in the game. He has to learn defensive fielding positions but is a solid hitter. Fun to watch him play! 

Wes was very excited and enjoyed all the backyard and batting cage practice with Levi on the side. Levi enjoys the one-on - one time so was usually eager to throw/bat with Dad. Sadie happily provided advice and/or cheered during the games. She repeatedly asked "is this how you feel at my soccer games?" She was always wanting Levi's team to secure the win. I struggled with being a Mama Bear and wanting equal opportunity for Levi in the field and batting order. It was definitely a sanctifying season for my heart. 

We enjoyed a surprise visit by Parker and Chase at one of Levi's games. They rode up with Grami and Papa for the week and Levi enjoyed having them here! 

Wes in "rally cap" mode

The girls came most of the time to games....... and were always headed to the concession stand


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