Sadie is 9 and We have been married for 14 years.....

 Sadie's birthday and our anniversary are just two days apart. Sometimes we forget to celebrate as we are thinking about celebrating Sadie. This year we booked a dinner for the weekend prior at Pier W which is fancier restaurant on Lake Erie in Lakewood. The food, views and the service were excellent. 14 years is not an big milestone number but it does feel like a long time when I say "we were married 14 years ago". I am guessing that is how it is for every anniversary and birthday for all of us going forward. Wes is patient with me and kind as he helps me navigate anxious physically feelings/worry and fear. So appreciative of him never dismissing and always supporting if I sign myself up for biblically counseling or prioritize exercise or rest. He is getting better with age so here's to many more years! 

The kids enjoyed watching the DVD of our wedding ceremony and reception! 

Sadie is also aging and it is so fun to see her continue to develop, explore and question the world. She ask things like "why would anyone think its okay to kill the baby in the mother?" or "was Martin Luther Jr related to Martin Luther during the Reformation?" I love seeing her connect dots and related her reality to scripture or truth of God. She is still spunky, funny, a foodie, an out loud processor, and opinionated. I love how she is always thinking and sometime she talks like she cant get it all out. She is always up for any adventure and I we just love our Boo. She is easy to celebrate as she loves to celebrate and is an excellent gift receiver (and giver!)

We didnt do a friend party this year but instead are going to celebrate her at the American Girl Doll Store in Chicago next month. She seemed satisfied with that but since I know she likes to celebrate, we invited friends from church to go to Mitchell's for ice cream too! 
The night before her birthdya, Leighton and Sadie were up late in Sadie's bed talking. I asked them why and Leighton said "hanging on  to the last few bit of 8 year old Boo". 
Leighton's card for Sadie (below).
She requested buttermilk pancakes and bacon for breakfast and then out to eat at a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
Not sure what Levi is doing here! 
Mitchell's after church also included all of our friends and their kids singing to her. She looked embarrassed but confessed later she enjoyed it! 


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