Levi Update

As I shared in "No Man's Land- The Wilderness" Levi had a follow up EEG in Jan and he had his neuropysch appt in Feb. Thank you for praying. They did not note anything below average and said his development seemed fine from what they could tell. Therefore the plan is to get an overnight EEG in September since his three seizures have occurred while he is sleeping and his spikes/discharges are higher then. Prayers for Levi continue to include no more seizures, that he outgrows this epilepsy, the discharges/spikes decrease/disappear, and he continues to develop/learn/grow cognitively! 

As you can see from the monitor picture above, we keep this on him while he is sleeping if we are not in the room and still move him to our room at night. 

But Levi doesnt seem bothered by the doctor appointments and is living life. He enjoys school, learning, writing, trying to spell/read, cook, running errands or going to coffee shops with me, basketball, riding his bike, school field trips, whiffle ball in the yard, and grocery shopping with tiny carts at Lake Road Market! 



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