Back to Seattle (Closure) Tour Part 1

Last week the family returned to Seattle after our move 3 years ago. We had planned to go last June but ...covid. Returning to Seattle 1 year after we left would have been too soon. Feelings in Ohio were fresh, we hadn't made deep friendships, I was still figuring out my job and coworkers and everything in WA state  was remembered as better. Last summer might have been fine to visit and we were sad to have missed that opportunity. But in God's all knowing plans (that are always better than mine), we went this summer and it was so sweet. Before we left I had much anticipation about how it would go. How would I react? Cry? Sad? Excited? How would interactions go? Hard because of covid/restrictions or because too much time had passed? But I can not overstate  how lovely the entire week was but I will try! 

One Seattle friend asked me while we were there "was it worth it?" I struggled with the question/how to answer but it also really stuck with me. I couldn't answer because I couldn't say moving away or Cleveland or whatever is better than people or places in WA. But I think what she was getting at was "was moving the right decision?" Despite not wanting logistics/money/space to be a reason to have to move, when we left Seattle we both knew it was time.  It was super hard. Then the unknown and lack of excitement of Cleveland didn't help plus not knowing anyone nor being known by anyone was a sad reality upon arrival. That is why I anticipated going back, would I have a feeling of "we shouldn't have left." 

Another Seattle friend joked that I was on my "closure" tour because of my comments and questions for everyone. That also really stuck with me. I think she might have been right. Not in a bad way but just that I needed to come back after being in a more stable place in Cleveland. I needed to see that things had changed in Seattle for the city, our old neighborhood, my old job, and even people and their relationships. It wasn't bad, just different and I had an easier time picturing myself back in Cleveland than living in Fremont again which was good.  We are beyond thankful who God allowed us to be in the groove of our jobs, enjoying neighbors and the neighborhood, the kids school is great, and we have deeper friends and church community in Cleveland area. It was immediate but without it, it would have made the trip to Seattle not easy nor enjoyable. 

So enough introspective talk, lets talk about the trip! I had  a loose plan for the week to be able to fit in lots of favorite places and food in while also hanging out with people. 

Travel Day was a late flight on Friday night! Kids did great and slept on long flight from Chicago to Seattle.

Day 1 Saturday- we stayed at the Arthurs house the first weekend. The kids quickly picked up and Levi and Addy bonded. The Arthurs got a covid dog too, Lola, who the kids gently smothered. 

A food list was made prior to arrival. I don't think we were ever hungry between our hosts and all the restaurants we wanted to visit. We got Top Pot donuts and Pagliacci Pizza. When I called to place pizza order, they answered by saying "Hi Moore residents" because the name links to phone number. I of course starting getting sentimental with the operator :) 
That afternoon we went to Discovery Park. The Hudsons and Donovans met us there. Oh and the weather all week was amazing! 70s and sunny with clear skies so all the mountains were out. 
Mt Rainier view by lighthouse
The wildflowers were so pretty
That night we grabbed one of our favorites (only place we repeat ate), which was Un Bien and picnicked at BF Day playfield and school playground. This was in walking distance to our house there and we frequented often, where girls learned to ride bikes, and many Hallows events were held. 
The Arthurs met us there and the kids stood on the states they were born in :) 
Day 2 was Sunday and before going to church we went for coffee in Fremont, Ladro, and walked around our old neighborhood and apartment. This area brought back the most memories because it was where we spent the most time obviously as a family. 

picture in front of our old gate/apartment 
And in the back of apartment on this wall. Over their lives from 2011-2018 I made them take many photos here. 
Walking our normal path around Fremont down to the canal...some businiess change but many were the same, like Theo's chocolate. 
We went to church in West Seattle as that is where Hallows was meeting in person on Sunday. Sellers and Piper Hudson were getting baptized so that was special. Up until this point, I had just been soaking in all the nostalgia and feelings but during the service I did tear up. 
After church we grabbed Hawaiian with a group of people after church. 

The kids enjoyed all the sea life.... jelly fish, crabs, eels, blood worms, lobster, and sea lions
The girls then had a slumber party with Moll girls! 
Levi played for a bit with Emory but didn't stay night.
Wes, Levi and I went back to Arthurs for Grandma's Pho which is her Vietnamese speciality. It was delicious and so kind of her to want to spoil us with it! The best part of the night was sitting around a fire pit with Andrew and Kim catching up and having sweet convo! 
Addy wanted Levi to sleep in her room. We let them start this way ...
We picked up the girls from Molls and walked Gas Work Park. They had a new playground. 
Day 3 was Monday, Memorial Day! The San Miguels graciously hosted a BBQ for us and others. It was so nice out, even hot enough for sprinklers on trampolines. It was fun to see everyone together and amazed at how easy it is to pick back up with San Miguels, Emily Bay, Melissa and Megan, Molls, Arthurs, and Hudsons. 

Kelsey even surprised me at BBQ with my favorite lemon cupcakes she makes! She made them originally for Sadie's 2nd birthday years ago. 
That night we moved over to the Hudson's house to stay the remainder of week. 


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