Visitors Amidst Pandemic

We hadn't seen our families in several weeks.... months really......since the pandemic started. Our Spring Break trip to Marc/Katie's in DC was cancelled and though we all have FaceTimed a lot it is still not the same hanging out in person. Over the last two weekend we got the grandparents though! I think the kids really enjoyed having company too. It felt weird at first having people in our home but the grandparents and us had been doing pretty good social distancing and were healthy so we went for it. 

We were able to celebrate Leighton and Big Daddy's birthday! 
With the grandparents, our quarantine routines didn't really change too much; still neighborhood walks....
and zoom calls....
and masking and reading in the hammock
and keeping 6 ft apart when we can
The addition of a slip -n-side was a new backyard touch though

as was flowers in the window box
We visited the lake close by on Memorial day.... what started out as  walked sparked the kids to want to come back and swim....
Thanks for making the long drive up! 


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