Happy 9th Birthday Leighton from Hogwarts

Leighton turns 9! Each year I say it but I can't believe how old she is getting. I think it might also be that i am only as young as my oldest child too. So having a nine-year old is hard to fathom. She is growing into a beautiful young lady. She was easy to celebrate on May 24th but she is everyday. She is pleasant, a quiet leader to friends and siblings, patient, independent, and displays thoughtful discernment. I think she is awesome and again it might because she is our oldest so everything new she does is new for us as parents but either way I am proud of her. We went around the table affirming the ways God is working in life and James 1:19 "quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry"
Leighton has been reading Harry Potter books and finished the series a couple of weeks ago. She loves all things Harry Potter so that was her birthday party them. She even invited Harry, Hermione, and Ron to attend.

 She picked out two small cakes at Whole Foods (I think because she wanted to offer variety to guest. so sweet) and she decorated them with Harry Potter glasses, Hogwart ties and toppers!
 She loves a good surprise. She didn't ask for anything for her birthday but rather said "just surprise me" so we did!
 Sadie made a gift on her own for Leighton.
 Sadie and Levi got into Hedwig and Hermione costumes to be a part of the decorations!
Wes ordered an official invitation addressed to Leighton "from Hogwarts" which was cool and mailed to the house! 
We had one more surprise for her which was letting her have a friend over to play outside. She hadn't had any playdates in months due to pandemic so we surprised her with her best school friend, Leah. 


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