Three Cakes for Levi Turning 3!

 Levi is three! How is it possible? He is officially in little boy mode instead of a toddler. If you want to reflect on his sweet baby-ness from March 30, 2016 click HERE. My parents were in Cleveland before we left for Spring Break. Mom and I decided to throw him a quick party while they were here to celebrate. His favorite movie is Lion King and he loves to pretend to be Simba or Mufasa. Well the Lion King is an old movie so we did what we could in an hour at Wal- Mart to throw him a surprise Lion King Party. The girls made signs and we used his toys to decorate his cake!

Mom and Dad got him an outdoor goal but we let him practice a little inside :) 
 Then while we were in Maryland we celebrated with the Moore family and the Hudson's at a park. This time Levi and I went to the Wal-Mart and he choose a ninja turtle party. All that meant was I bought ninja turtle plates and a toy to go on his homemade cake.

 On his actual birthday, we were driving back home. We ended up having our friends over for dinner so I grabbed another cake. It's hard not to celebrate on his actual birthday.
 I think he is still spoiled! He is asking for another birthday already. The girls asked if they get 6 and 8 cakes this year for their birthdays.... whoops...


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