Levi's Labor Story and First Day of Life


Before I forget what happened, I need to type out Levi's birth story (though most of you know it). I like to use this blog as personal log too 😊 And I have more down time at hospital just snuggling a newborn than I will when I get home to 3 kids.
9am: walking to PICU at work for rounds and feel like I have peed on myself. I diverted to bathroom and realize there is some blood spotting and maybe my water broke? I call doctors office and they say call back in 1 hour if continues or don't feel baby move.

9:15 am: Totally freaked out and worried about baby that I can't focus on work. Coworkers ask me if something is wrong. I cry. They make me leave.

10am: arrive at home with Wes and Sadie. Call Doctor back and tell them no more blood but I would like to come in to get baby checked.  We shower and pack car. We pick up Leighton from school early and head to Doctor office
Sadie helping take hospital bag to car 
11:40am: at doc  appt we hear healthy heart beat and  Dr Koala checks me because I tell her about possible water break/leak. She says yes your membranes have ruptured so you aren't going home but instead check in at labor and delivery. I am 3 cm dilated.

12:30pm: transfer kids to Bryant Jones' (worship/MC leader and  from church) car who drives them to my friend Kelsey's (Norah and Viv's mom) house to play till 7pm when Melissa can pick them up and take them to our house for bed. (Friends are the best!)

1pm: checked into labor and delivery .... Walk aroud halls to try to stimulate labor on my own. No real consistent contractions or anything much.

3pm: start pitocin drip to stimulate labor because it has been 6 hours since water broke and they want to limit infection risk.
all smiles now eating a little early dinner
3-5pm: continuously go up on pitocin till we get some serious contractions that force my trickle of water into gushes. Dr koala checks me before she leaves for day and I am 4 cm. I am slightly disappointed as I want this to go fast right?
the drug that causes labor (try not to blame you for the pain of labor as that is just the pain of labor) 

5:30pm: on call Doctor comes in and I meet her (Dr. Kadpernek) for first time as she comes in concerned that Baby heart rate drops to about 70 (normally 150) with every contraction. She immediately puts extra monitors internally on baby's head and a catheter in me to replace water I have loss from uterus. The thought was to give cushion back with water as they thought cord was compressing with contractions causing decreased heart rates.

6-8pm: the turn off pitocin to give baby a rest from contractions and see what heart rate does. I still have some contractions but nothing too crazy during those 2 hours. Baby does well.

8:30pm begin kranking up pitocin again.

940pm: contractions intense and I wanted them to check me again to see if progress... Oh I'm back on wireless monitors so I could walk around/stand. I do not like sitting in bed during contractions. I felt helpless and trapped. Doctor checks me and I'm 6cm. Again I wanted to be farther along. I tell Wes I don't know if I can do this anymore. I pray through every contraction for an end and urge to push.

950pm: tell RN I feel pressure so she checks me and I'm 7cm. Close but not close enough. I tell Wes I feel nausea but probably just reflux. He doesn't believe me and tells RN it's going to be soon.

10pm: I tell them I need to push. They force me into bed. Not sure why my natural instinct is to resist. I think we were meant to have babies standing 😊 They tell me not to push. I do a little. I can't help it.

10:03pm: after a push for head (cord was around neck but quickly removed; this explained heart rate drops from earlier), push for body, and last push he is born! Doctor says "It's a Boy!"

7.06 oz and 19.5 inches long 
I get to eat lunch meat! 
After that there was relief and thankfulness. He is just precious. He has done a lot of sleeping in first 24 hours so we will have to work on eating more but pooping and peeing good. The fresh new scent he wears is why people keep having kids Im determined. There is nothing like that newness. Oh please change ever so slowing, Levi.
tiny yawns 
We are thankful also for sweet friends taking care of our kids over last 24 hours. And now my parents are here to tend to them and gets some kisses of Levi too which is great and so helpful. The girls are over the moon for their little brother. They gave out constant kisses at the hospital when they came to visit and wanted to keep holding him. Of course, them and I have had a cold before he was born. Prayers the little guy stays healthy in a house full of 2 and 4 year old germs. Thank you all for the prayers during labor. They were heard. The Lord gets the credit for the gift that Levi is to our family.
FaceTime is your friend when you live 2000 miles from family
First visitors... the proud big sisters then the proud Grami and Papa
oh look, its my heart x 3 walking outside my body!
thumbs up from Sadie 
A precious 3rd girl would have made our hearts skip a beat too. But it is fun to say "my boys" :) 


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