Spring Break: Arlington and Mt Vernon

On Wednesday we went to Arlington Cemetery. The entire family group came which was fun. Though the kids may have thought differently as signs for silence and respect were everywhere. We had to continually remind them as there were 21 funerals going on that day. 
 JFK tomb
 Leighton looking so old here, 7 going on 17! 
 Tomb of the unknown solider and the changing of the guards. 
 Then the evening spent cuddling babies and playing board games! 
We had to take time to get all 6 cousins together for a picture. 
 Then Friday, our family and Mimi and Big met the Hudson's for a day at Mt. Vernon.
Leighton and Piper buddied up quickly and enjoyed being able to hang out this week. She even cried when we had to say bye. 

Mt Vernon back porch looking at the Potomac River.


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