One Month with a Little Boy

After being in the land of princesses, nail polish, purple, pink, dance, gymnastic, arts and crafts, tea parties, pretend play, bow-bows, and more with my two girls it is still hard to believe a little boy has invaded our lives. He didn't get to pick us as his family and we didn't get to pick him but oh how thankful we are that he is apart of our chaos.

So what do we know about him after one month?

- Loves being talked to
- Prefers to be held vertical and loves falling asleep on your chest
- If he needs to burp he will scream if you try to put him horizontal (i.e. diaper change, bath, holding)
- He could do without ever having his diaper changed as he is not a fan currently
- Seems to sleep well in carseat and Solly wrap
- His sugar has all been kissed off by his sisters (thankfully he makes more each day)
- He can follow objects/ our faces
- Pretty sure he recognizes our voices now and knows we are his people

As a mom of two little girls, I know that a lot of what I say and do will have effects on the girls. I pray in advance for our relationship and their identities to be rooted in Christ. I know the importance of Wes' role in their life and what it means for a girl to have a strong example of a servant leader who is a picture of Christ to his wife and family. I pray the girls know their worth as a daughter of the King and how Wes will play a big role in their future relationships with men. But I don't know what my role is as mom of a boy. I told Wes the other day that I know how my dad effected me and my relationships so the dad-dauther relationship makes sense to me... but  I am clueless about the mother-son relationship. I asked him if there is an influence I am suppose to have on him? He wasnt much help as he just reflected on how he has responsibility to display true biblical manhood (how to treat a woman, respect, hard work, sacrificial love and probably how to shoot a gun)

Maybe moms of  boys or sons could answer my question: What does Levi need from me that is different from Leighton and Sadie?  Or is it just the same? The only thing I know currently is to display what a wife should look like. At our woman's discipleship meeting the other Sunday at church a wise woman in the church described how God created Eve as Adam's helper or the hebrew word (ezer) which means equal but opposite  help. In a large sense I think our minds go to supporting him in his work, creating a Godly home, teaching our kids in the ways they should walk, etc. While all things are good, she pointed out that in the beginning when there was just Adam and Eve in the garden there was no house to clean, no kids to teach, and no careers to support. So how was Eve suppose to be the helper? To point him to Christ... in an essence help him refrain from sin via prayer, support, encouragement, etc I like hearing this as it felt like an action step and more direction on how to love Wes well and a ton of freedom/grace in not keeping the house spotless :) I am praying for your future wife too, Son.

More pics of the little stud...


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