Holiday Cheer

When we got back from our trip, we walked straight into constant rain. I don't ever remember it being this bad. Usually it is gray and gets dark early in the winter but for the last couple of weeks (and my 10 day forecast) have been nothing but umbrella requiring/constant rain. I think I am suffering from seasonal affective disorder. It is seriously not cool. The kids go crazy in the house because it is dark at 5pm and I go crazy. Blame it on pregnancy hormones or tiredness if you want to but I hate the way my patience runs so thin. Okay that didn't sound like holiday cheer but if you are still with me after that gloom... you will be happy to know I am trying to tell myself to replace the "woe is me" attitude with what is really important.  Through the windshield wipers I am happy for evidences of grace I don't deserve. For starters, getting a healthy report of baby at our 20 (changed to 21) week ultrasound. It was so cool and still just as sweet as the first time watching the growing baby in your belly on a screen. 
The girls came with us but were only interested for about 30 seconds of visit. They still held up the picture of Baby Bean (as they call him/her) proudly. 
 Secondly I am thankful for the bible study I had with my coworkers. We ended our study in Romans with a potluck dinner where the spouses and kids joined us.
 And for the little seasonal moments like picking out a Christmas tree. And watching the girls enjoy decorate it together. I can't believe I happen to snap the picture right when Sadie gently put her hand on Leighton's back in support. Heart is melting.
 And for a ladies night with our missional community decorating Christmas cookies. It is more about the conversation than the end product right?


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