Counting Gifts on Christmas Eve

We are beyond floored with the way God has moved people to donate to Imah's fundraiser. I mean I honestly thought we would get maybe $6000 or half of our goal. I sure know how to put God in a box. He literally took the money given, mostly $50-100 here or there and created $14,000! The GiveForward goal was exceed in less than a month. I am writing this down to inform you but also so I can once again have a written record where I can recall God's faithfulness. All through the bible, God asks His people to remember His mercies in the past. We look back to always remember how God fulfills His promises in the Old Testament and how in the New Testament we can remember the Cross and what Christ did. The ultimate hope fulfilled. Though this in no ways compares to the gift of eternal life, I will remember this time when God provided for Imah.

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to relive it"

Financially, you have all helped tremendously and been huge in Imah's story. We still need prayer for wisdom/discernment with the money, an apartment/house for her family to rent (preferably govt assisted), hope/salvation for Imah and her kids, health for Imah and her unborn baby, and our relationship with her and her family.

Thank you so much. I am so happy to be writing this email on Christmas Eve. What perfect timing to get to say thanks for the gifts you poured out to Imah than on the Eve of the greatest gift of all, Jesus the Savior being born.

On a lighter note, we opened our gifts to each other as a family tonight since I will be working tomorrow on Christmas followed by dinner at a friends house. We got the girls 3 gifts each. I mentioned it before HERE that we were going to try to limit gift-overload. This year we tested out buying 3 gifts per person (including Wes and I) each "symbolizing" the Wise men's 3 gifts of gold (something you want), frankincense (something for spirit/mind) and myrrh (something for body).

Wes and I mostly got each other books. One of Wes gift's was a date to 5th Ave Theatre to see "A Christmas Story" Monday night. We really enjoyed it, something different. And I got a globe which I had been wanting!

The girls got a game each, a toy each, Leighton got rain boots that will eventually be Sadie's and Sadie (and of course Leighton) got a table and chairs for their room. I was so excited with this find. $30 on Craiglist, a Pottery Barn table and 2 chairs that just needed a new paint job. I put Wes to work and I think it turned out alright…good enough for two rowdy girls to play with anyway!
It was a little challenging not to buy them everything but honestly they don't need much. Sadie has plenty of hand-me-down clothes and toys. Leighton gets spoiled from grandparents. So maybe I should say it was nice to just have to focus on 3 things and to watch them enjoy everything and play with them afterwards instead of being overwhelmed. Who knows how next year will be but after tonight I would say we will venture to repeat. It also made sharing about Jesus birth easy and made explaining why they were getting gifts easy with the Wise men analogy. So thanks internet, for the suggestion. 
 Wes transforming the white table and pink chairs into white chairs and table with sidewalk chalk paint on top.
 Finished project with their gifts….
 And using it to play games and pretend kitchen afterwards with these 2 precious little girls. Thankful for them, my all time favorite gifts.
Happy Holidays! 


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