Christmas Day

Hope everyone had  a nice little Christmas.  We are still figuring out family traditions. It is a little hard to be consistent when sometimes I will have to work at the hospital on Christmas. We did start this advent book at the beginning of December with Leighton. I recommend it. It was age appropriate for a 2 year old. Each day had scripture, picture, prayer, and activity suggestion.
I did have to work Christmas Eve evening but I was off on Christmas day. Wes and I exchanged gifts early, because he can't wait. Ironically we both got each other winter Northface jackets….unplanned. The girls exchanged one present to each other on Christmas Eve. Then on Christmas Day, Leighton opened up her and Sadie's stockings and gifts from us.
Before lunch we went to the park for a bit but it was chilly. The Arthurs joined us. 
Delaney and Leighton
A girl and her train.
Then the Bounds were nice enough to have some of us who don't live close to family over for dinner. We did potluck style. Thankful to have friends to celebrate so the holidays aren't lonely. Thanks again Molly and Russell! 
Little girl picture!
The girls love Molly
The kids minus Jonah and Eli
Happy Holidays from the Moores! (tripod pic :))


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