Busy Bags

I recently confessed to  a wise mother and friend (http://maryannhudson.blogspot.com) that I was concerned that it would be stressful on Wes trying to entertain Leighton when he needed to feed/rock/change Sadie when I go back to work. She recommended that I google "busy bags for toddlers." They are basically self contained activities Leighton can get, open and do by herself. So Leighton and I went shopping for our supplies and I recently finished making several. Below are some examples....
  1. Color matching activity: Popsicle sticks, closed pins, magnets, and buttons
2. Double sided felt board: Used as a scene or for making pretend food (covered a piece of cardboard with felt using hot glue gun)

 3. Matching objects: Drew pictures of these small erases we already at house for her to match on card
4. Puzzles: Using mod podge, coloring books and stickers I made two block stacking puzzles. Then using a hot glue gun and popsicle sticks I made a dumbo puzzle. 
5. Necklace making: I put a piece of ribbon, pipe cleaners, and a lace in a bag with various beads and buttons (including beads to spell her name) 
 6. Counting: Using numbered miniature cups (and matching colors of felt hot glued on the inside of the cup) with the appropriate number of pom pom balls she can work on counting and matching.
7. Shape building: Using velcro and numbered popsicle sticks she can make a square or triangle 
 I plan to add a few more that contain things such as sisscors, glue sticks, crayons, paper and stickers for her to craft. Then each activity is placed in a zipped bag and then into our big Busy Bag for easy grabbing by Leighton!
Hope this is a helpful idea for any parents who are expecting a second or third child or taking their toddler on a long airplane ride! (or maybe even for things like church or when you are entertaining friends)


  1. I have seen stuff like this on pinterest and think we are getting dangerously close to needing some too. Eating is becoming difficult sometimes and I am totally dreading the flight to Hong Kong and back later this year/early next year.


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