Leighton Starts School

Leighton started school! Yes you heard me correctly, Leighton has started school at 8 months of age. My friend Kim, told us about a Preschool Co-op program in Ballard (neighborhood to the west of us in Fremont). If you click on the link it explains more about the preschool. Since the kids are just babies right now it is a good way for the parents to meet, talk about baby issues/share advice, etc and allow the babies to play with other babies. I guess the parents are building relationships now and the kids will later. Either Wes or I take Leighton every Tuesday for an hour and half to school. We stay the whole time as do all the other kids parents, along with Teacher Gwen. All the kids (about 15 I'm guessing) are somewhere between 7-18 months of age. 
What does a typical day in Leighton's class look like?
- Greeting song (say hi to everyone in the class)
- Sing songs
- Read a book or two
- Group activity (large parachute, water or ball buckets, etc)
- Play time
- Snack time
- Craft time
- More play time
- Clean up
- Bubbles
- Group song "Run Baby Run" by Caspar Babypants
- Say bye to everyone in class
(afterwards Leighton usually crashes with a nap)
 Getting ready for school
Her first art project.... Leighton and Daddy made it for Mommy today! (already on the frig)


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