Holiday Festivities

Tis the season for holiday festivities. This year we put a fake tree upstairs which everyone enjoyed. It was a fun chance to put a "stylish/coordinating" tree as Sadie would say. Our downstairs tree remained real and vintage in feel with icicles, meaningful ornaments and big colorful bulbs. And we got it at Gale's again. They enjoy remaining on the ornaments that remind them of vacations, past experiences or previous interest. 
Little trees found their way around the house too!
Levi decorated in his room

The girls wanted a little white tree with pink accents
trying to work from home while kids are off :)

The kids opened advent gift calendars this year. The girls chose a beauty one and a shower cap came it. Sadie kept us laughing by randomly wearing it around or during advent reading time.... Sadie's Christmas Cap

At school, Leighton's class was apart of a Christmas concert. 

love when the girls "get him ready"

I didnt paint cards this year but managed to find time to do a little relaxing water coloring 

We did get a little snow 

Cheese Pizza and Home Alone! 

Sadie baked gingerbread cookies for her and Levi to decorate 


Discussing to trade or not to trade beauty products.... 

WCA Upper school holiday at the Kohls for Wes co-workers. We did a white elephant book exchange. 

Sadie and Mary Kohl wanted to do a beauty basket Christmas exchange 

Church kids choir did a few Christmas songs. Levi always looks miserable and makes us laugh but I know he enjoyed Mrs. Trudy and I liked the shirts she made "Tonight we ride" with the wisemen 

Sadie is still having me take her out of school for lunch dates if I can!

School holiday fun as well as pictures of the their art projects (in case I threw them away!)


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