Twist and Shout, The Power is Out!

On Friday night we watched 1996 Twister movie at the Guertin’s with friends. That following Tuesday we were all surprised when our phones buzzed (for the first time in Cleveland for us) to take cover due to a tornado warning. Storms popped up suddenly and we were taken off guard. Wes, Levi and Sadie were on their way to pick up Leighton from church so they took cover when they made it to the church inside. I had just arrived home and probably should have gone to the basement in hindsight. We lost power during the storm and unfortunately it did not return until the following Monday. The first 24 hours it was novelty to be out of electricity and then we realized how much we depend on it. 

included in the novelty was searching for power on my work-from home day. I ended up at Starbucks with many others and made friends with the table. 


The day after the storms, we had tickets to take Levi to see MJ musical at Playhouse Square. Levi has been into Michael Jackson and the Jackson 5’s music, dancing and history for a while so we knew we wanted to take him. I am always amazed we live 15 minutes from such a good theater district. The show was a nostalgic mix from his Jackson 5 days up until 1992. I think that they did that so they didn’t have to address his child molestation charges and could paint him in a good light. It felt like I was seeing him live in concert which was fun since I never actually did. The actors and singers did a great job mimicking his moves and voice. Levi loved it!  

We dressed in our most sparkly MJ inspired clothes 

We spent most of the days outside and we ate out a lot.... we did get a generator after 2 days which was helpful for warm showers (one cold one was enough!) and to wash clothes. At night we hooked it up to antenna TV to watch primetime of the Olympics on NBC.

During the outage, friends invited Levi to play golf. He had a great time and went back with Wes. 

During the boys playing golf, Leighton was camping two of the nights at East Harbor State Park with 2 moms/4 girls. She had a great time. Sadie and I did a little shopping for a girls night.

Lydia, Ella, Leighton and Maddie (all 8th graders from WCA)

Church party in the park at Lakewood, complete with Olympic games that the Moores took home most golds  :) we arent competitive at all.....

We ended the week with going to see new movie, Twisters, with friends


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