Getting Ready for Routine!

The end of summer is upon us and we have done back to school activates (school supply shopping, hair cuts, finishing summer book reports, reviewing math activities) and even soccer and cross country practices have started for Sadie and Leighton. 

Levi loved his time with Ms. Somers on Wed for 1 hour at the library! She is wonderful! 

Along with doing the logistics as we prepare for school and sports starting...I have been looking back and thinking about how much the kids continue to change (as I know every parent does!)

I read this article excerpt, and it hit hard! 

"The newborn, the baby, the toddler, the pre-schooler, the primary aged kid, the pre-teen, the adolescent, the full-blown teen, the young adult and then the adult. They all answer to the same name. They all call you Mum. And you never ever notice the inflection point where one of those people turns into the next.

You never get to properly say goodbye to all the little people who grow up because you don’t notice the growing, the changing. Except when Facebook sends you those bloody memory reminders that invariably make me cry because it’s like showing me the face of someone I can never see again. Not in that way. Not at that age.

......... But while we know they love us, their lives no longer spin around their mother as their main axis. We are not the sun around which they spin. Not anymore. It would be weird if we were. I know that. Logically." 

But it doesn't make it easier! 


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