Fall with church, work and school

Levi had a routine EEG over 24 hours. He stayed with me at work after they put it on and was a sweet help for a Superhero theme safety fair we were having.  He loved it. I think he likes the one- on - one time. I am just so grateful that he is a content patient. He goes with the flow when the nurses, doctors, etc ask him to do things or do things to him. It would be so much harder if he was fighting it everytime or not wanting to go. 

Then he got to go back to school and attend an art museum field to trip.

Leighton and Sadie got to go to one of my coworkers bridal gown fittings at a beautiful store in our neighborhood, Radiant Bride. They loved it! 

This is the salad Wes and I have been eating with dinner most nights 
Leighton at youth ice cream social
Leighton, Lydia and Joslyn at open skate RR 

Leighton at Maggie's birthday party

Wes and I at 30 hearts gala. 

30 Hearts was started by Emily and Jeff Mancinetti from our church and it is awesome!
church came out to support

Wes and I in B&W (thanks Matt!) with the DiCapulas 

Sadie is still playing indoor soccer (this time as goalie which is not her usual position) 

Now may we all fall asleep like Levi, inside a book. 



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